Did someone say summer? Tips for families on navigating an uncertain season

JFCS FLE boy rides bike By Leah Persky, PhD • JFCS Family Life Education Manager It is next to impossible to plan much of anything when we are living in such uncertain times. Every day things change and we are forced to re-assess and practice going with the flow. What else can you do when you are living through a pan[...]

Is it really the “most wonderful time of the year”?

Tips for getting the most joy out the holiday season By Leah Persky • Family Life Education Manager So many of us begin planning for and thinking about the busy winter holiday season many months before it officially begins. We see the holiday decorations up in stores beginning the day after[...]

Nov. 13 was World Kindness Day

By Leah Persky • Family Life Education Manager On Nov. 13 World Kindness Day is celebrated around the world. Kindness can be practiced year-round; we can all do our part to make someone else’s day, or use this as an excuse to be kind to ourselves!  While you probably have lots of id[...]

Tips for managing summer, screens, kids and keeping your sanity

6 great tips for creating a healthy and realistic plan for screen time this summer   By Leah Persky • Family Life Education Program Manager   On a recent family trip to Colorado, my two children ages 5 and 7 were allowed more time on their screens than normal. We logged hours d[...]