Pilot program pairing gift deliveries with senior visits a huge success

JFCS’ Hag Sameach program plans to expand this initiative in the future By Mindy Teele • Hag Sameach Program Manager JFCS’ Hag Sameach program ensures joyous holiday celebrations for families and individuals in need by providing them with gifts and ritual items during the winter hol[...]

Volunteer Spotlight April 2024: Katie Cera

Can you tell us about yourself and your background? I live in Plymouth with my fiancé. I grew up in Golden Valley. I did move away from Minneapolis for my four years at University of Wisconsin-Madison for my bachelor’s degree. When I am not working for Target Corporate, I enjoy traveling, tak[...]

Volunteer Spotlight January 2024: Jeff Gershone

Can you tell us about yourselves and your background? I was born in St. Paul in 1948 and my parents moved to Minneapolis when I was 3. We lived in North Minneapolis until 1954 when we moved to St. Louis Park. I had a pretty normal childhood – average student and I graduated from St. Louis Park[...]

Volunteer Spotlight November 2023: Ann Rubin

Can you tell us about yourself and your background? I'm a wife, sister, daughter, aunt, caregiver, friend, and community member. I cared for my mom during her 10-year adventure with Alzheimer's disease, until her passing in 2021. I've worked as an executive assistant for the last 20 years. In th[...]

Volunteer Spotlight September 2023: Julie Jacobs

Volunteer Spotlight Can you tell us about yourself and your background? I have four children and eight grandchildren and relish any time I spend with them. I received my Master of Social Work at Ohio State. I had a private psychotherapy practice in Columbus, Ohio, for eight years. My family and I moved to Minneapol[...]

Volunteer Spotlight July 2023: Rabbi Aaron Weininger

Can you tell us about yourself and your background? I'm proud to be part of the Twin Cities Jewish community. After 11 years, I'm also proud to call myself a Minnesotan (if I'm allowed). There's always a bit of New Yorker in me, though, especially pizza and bagels. I've been fortunate to serve a[...]

Volunteer Spotlight June 2023: Marlene and Jack Spencer

Marlene and Jack Spencer Can you tell us about yourselves and your background? We are retired now, but we were happy to help out with JFCS even when we had jobs. It never conflicted with our personal work. What JFCS programs do you volunteer with and how long have you been volunteering with JFCS? We have been [...]

113th Annual Meeting Volunteer Honorees: Senior Companions

Senior Companions group photo JFCS will host its 113th Annual Meeting from noon to 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 14, at JFCS (5905 Golden Valley Rd, Golden Valley). At the event we will acknowledge the contributions of longtime, dedicated volunteers Kori Savitt and Senior Companions Elizabeth Balaeva, Lyudmila Baltyukova, Barys Bre[...]

113th Annual Meeting Volunteer Honoree: Kori Savitt

Kori Savitt holding dogs JFCS will host its 113th Annual Meeting from noon to 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 14, at JFCS (5905 Golden Valley Rd, Golden Valley). At the event, we will acknowledge the contributions of longtime, dedicated volunteers Kori Savitt and Senior Companions Elizabeth Balaeva, Lyudmila Baltyukova, Barys Br[...]