JFCS volunteering update: May 2020

By Dana Shapiro • Community and Volunteer Engagement Coordinator & Intake Counselor Thanks to all those who attended our first ever virtual volunteer happy hour on April 23 in celebration of National[...]

Staff Q&A: Mindy Teele, Hag Sameach Outreach Coordinator

Learn how hundreds of volunteers contributed their time and talents to help make the holiday season brighter for the 706 individuals from 342 families in our community. That's 173 more people than last year! H[...]

‘As the time went on, we became friends’

JFCS senior outreach visitor volunteer Ester cherishes memories from her time with Elisabeth   After a 43-year career teaching high school, Ester decided she wanted to do “something useful” in retirem[...]

Watching my daughter on Good Deeds Day

By Amy Weiss • JFCS Community Services Director   “I planted flowers for the environment, made a blanket for animals at the Animal Humane Society, made a tzedakah box, packed a bag of supplies for a h[...]

Volunteers help JFCS prepare for new home

By Erica Solomon • Development & Community Engagement Coordinator   Ask anyone from a college freshman to their empty-nester parents and they’ll tell you the same thing: moving is a pain. Wheth[...]

April showers are so much more than rain

By Deb Savitt • Community Involvement Manager   Sometimes doing my job as the volunteer manager at JFCS feels like having a fourth child: I plan. I arrange. I execute and troubleshoot. I worry (and wo[...]

National Volunteer Week is April 23-29

Thank you JFCS Volunteers…this week and every week!   National Volunteer Week, brought to you each year by Points of Light, is an opportunity to recognize and thank YOU, our volunteers, who lend your time[...]

JFCS to participate in Good Deeds Day April 2

By Deb Savitt • Community Involvement Manager   Good Deeds Day is an annual tradition of good deeds. All over the world, hundreds of thousands choose to volunteer and help others, putting into practice th[...]