From the Desk of CEO Judy Halper: August 2017

Tikkun Olam is Hebrew for “Repairing the World.” The phrase is foundational to Judaism, confirming the belief that the world was intentionally created imperfectly in order that humans would complete the task. At Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis, we value our diverse staff and the people we serve. Our tagline is “JFCS is here for all. Always” and our vision is to create a more perfect world by helping one person at a time.
The bombing of the Dar Al-Farooq Islamic Center in Bloomington earlier this month was tragic. Fortunately, there were no injuries or casualties. Leadership from the Muslim community stood in solidarity with the Jewish community earlier this year when threats were received at Jewish Community Centers, and in unity, we offer support and strength to our partners, staff and clients from the Muslim community. Here for all. Always.
Nurturing understanding of customs and beliefs, and creating opportunities for cross-cultural interactions and activities is basic to how we operate at JFCS. Repair of the world is demonstrated in how we serve, not in who we serve. Examples of this are found in our kosher Meals on Wheels program that meets the needs of kosher observant Jews and Halal requirements for observant Muslims. Our Parent-Child Home Program helps new Americans from Somalia and East Africa prepare their children for school success, while strengthening their parenting skills and developing greater career opportunities. We pride ourselves on serving all who seek us out. Here for all. Always.
As August winds down and summer, too, let’s hope that individually we embrace opportunities for personal growth found in joining together as a community to strengthen and create a more perfect place to live together.