From the Desk of CEO Judy Halper: March 2017

What does the term “basic needs” mean to you? I imagine many of us would say clean air and water, access to quality healthcare, good schools, green space for recreation and affordable housing, to name a few.
One additional item to add to that list is nutritious food. March is Minnesota FoodShare month, and we urge our supporters to make it a priority. There are so many ways we can help ensure that all Minnesotans have adequate nutritious food to eat. For example, March is a great month for donating to foodshelves, volunteering time to help at one, or getting involved in advocacy to prevent hunger from being a reality for too many of our neighbors. In fact, 20 percent of Hennepin County residents are food insecure on any given day. We can do better!
PRISM Foodshelf in Golden Valley has been our partner for several years now in addressing food insecurity and hunger. Together, JFCS and PRISM collaborate to meet both the short-term and long-term issues associated with hunger and poverty. Later this year, we will co-locate our services in the same building when we move from Minnetonka to our new building in Golden Valley. To learn more how you can help at PRISM, go to
In addition to partnering with PRISM, JFCS also provides kosher Meals on Wheels, Passover food bags, emergency financial assistance—including gift certificates to local grocery stores—and more! When it comes to meeting basic needs, JFCS is here to help – always has been, always will be!