What: JFCS is once again partnering with Memorial Blood Centers to give hope to hospital patients in our community through a weeklong blood drive
When: JFCS Donor Days will go from Apr 21-27 with blood donation appointments available at various locations around town, with times throughout the week
Where: You get to choose whichever MBC donor center is most convenient for you
Why: Blood donors are needed to help patients receive their treatment and MBC can really use our help to replenish the blood supply
Contact Dana Shapiro, Community and Volunteer Engagement Manager with any questions: dshapiro@jfcsmpls.org.
Volunteers in Action is a JFCS volunteer corps that supports organizations in the Jewish and broader communities. The program partners with organizations whose missions align with JFCS’ mission to provide essential services to people of all ages and backgrounds to sustain healthy relationships, ease suffering and offer support in times of need.