From the Desk of CEO Judy Halper: October 2018

Here’s a riddle for you – what do the following have in common: Spooky (but safe) costumes for Halloween, locking your iPhone while driving so you won’t be tempted to check out the latest while sitting at stoplights, and cyber-bullying? Can’t crack the code on this riddle?? Neither can I! But, all three of these rather disconnected things relate to raising our children safely. Over the past month, I’ve heard from co-workers, friends and family members, discussion on all these topics and more. I’m happy to say that at Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis (JFCS), we are always looking for opportunities to discuss the health and welfare of children, and providing resources, information and guidance to parents and caregivers.
To mention only a few ways JFCS responds to child safety, Family Life Education Program Manager Leah Persky is busy planning outlines and curricula to assist community childcare providers and parents on how to address bullying behavior that begins with our youngest of kiddos. Teaching and modelling appropriate and kind behavior needs to begin early in children’s development. As they grow and become more actively engaged with technology, they need to know the rules of behavior there, too. We are excited for Leah to offer this information and to hear the feedback from all ages!
Another way JFCS contributes to a healthy community engaged with raising strong and capable children comes from our Counseling Department, where our staff make themselves available on short notice to respond to crises at local schools or synagogues, or other locations where professional resources are necessary for offering support, education and comfort.
At our 30th Annual “Laugh on their Behalf” Benefit on Dec. 1, we’ll ask donors to reach deep during our Fund-A-Need to support all the programs and services we offer to children and their caregivers, including camp scholarships, mentorship (Big Brother/Big Sister program), ACT (our school-based program), and counseling. Nothing could be more important than investing in the next generation, and at JFCS we know well all the ways that a strong community must respond to this essential need.
Join us on Dec. 1 (you should have already received your invitation) or go to our website to reserve your tickets. It takes a community to raise strong, healthy children, and Jewish Family and Children’s Service is here for you and our community!