From the Desk of CEO Judy Halper: September 2023

Food and the month of September seem to go hand-in-hand. As kids return to school and busy schedules, the amount of food they consume is evident in family budgets. Our tastes turn from cold and creamy deliciousness to hearty and savory comfort foods. Jewish holidays at this time of year – in addition to inspirational and meaningful – are food-focused, with feasts and many courses of traditional food enjoyed generationally.

September is also Hunger Action Month. As we focus on our families and making sure they have nutritious food to keep them fortified for all their activities; and as we plan our holiday meals making sure we have everything from apples and honey to brisket and challah; take a moment to remember all the folks in your neighborhoods and communities who are struggling to piece together enough food for meals and grumbling tummies. This can be a joyous time of year, but it can be stressful and challenging too.
At JFCS, we are grateful for the support of local congregations who collect food and monetary donations for community food shelves in accordance with High Holiday observance. We know those contributions are more necessary than ever before. Our neighbor, PRISM Food Shelf, located in our Golden Valley building, is stretching like never before to meet the ever-growing needs of working families and others who are food insecure. JFCS has seen an uptick in requests for shelf-stable emergency food boxes that we make available to families who are short of food necessities. Other resources offered by JFCS include financial assistance and food cards to help stretch grocery store budgets.
As we reflect on all that we have, and as we look to the new year with hopes and expectations, I encourage you to celebrate your abundance with your family and friends – and do what you can for those who need a little support to enjoy the holidays and the new season.
Happy and healthy New Year to all.