Healing Program has been providing hope and strength for over 22 years

The Twin Cities Jewish Healing Program has offered comfort, hope and strength for over 22 years to Jewish individuals and families unaffiliated with a synagogue who are experiencing loss, life challenges, illness, dying and grief.
The Healing Program has created many heartwarming stories over the years. The support it provided for David, 9, who was diagnosed with a rare and deadly genetic disease, and his family is one of them:
In order to save David’s life, his mother moved him from his Miami home to the University of Minnesota Masonic Children’s Hospital to receive a cord blood transplant. David left behind family and an entire support network. Their anticipated three-month stay in Minneapolis turned into an eight-month stay.
The Healing Program became David and his mother’s “home away from home.” We sent a rabbi from our clergy rotation to attend to David’s needs during his cord blood transplant. The rabbi’s presence gave David and his mother the strength they needed to face their ongoing ordeal. We also assigned five trained Healing Program volunteers to make regular visits, providing support for David and much needed respite for his mother.
As Rosh Hashanah drew near, our volunteers brought holiday foods and decorations to her apartment and accompanied her to synagogue services. Our volunteers also provided transportation to and from the airport for David’s father and brother each time they came to visit. David’s entire family expressed appreciation for all the help and support the program provided.
The Healing Program has created a vital partnership with Twin Cities’ hospitals, nursing homes and hospices in an ongoing effort to provide culturally-sensitive care and spiritual support to Jewish patients. Services include Jewish clergy visits, Healing Program volunteer visits, or Jewish spiritual resources for patients dealing with hospitalization, acute illness, and/or end-of-life concerns.
We have numerous resources available for patients, including prayer pamphlets, healing service videos, gently used prayer books, electric menorahs, Jewish music and Jewish holiday information. Three times per year, Healing Program e-newsletters are sent to almost 200 local healthcare professionals and chaplains providing culturally sensitive support for their Jewish patients and providing resources, relevant articles and other information about upcoming Jewish holidays.
For more information about the Healing Program click here or call 952-546-0616.