PJ Library: Keep your kids’ nutrition on track this summer
Registered Dietician Andrea Potashnick will lead educational and fun evening for moms on diet/nutrition on June 13
By Carrie Fink • PJ Library Coordinator

Carrie Fink
As summer break begins, with longer days, more social gatherings, and lots of time outside, you may find your children’s eating habits change. Or maybe the transition to a less structured routine has your kids asking for snacks every 10 minutes! Throughout all stages of life, food plays an important role beyond our physical need for nourishment. The way we eat as children can have a big impact on our relationship with food as adults.
Andrea Potashnick, Registered Dietitian of Your Family RD and PJ Library mom, will lead an educational and fun evening covering how to feed kids and ensure they have a healthy relationship with food Thursday, June 13, from 6:30-8 p.m.
Here’s a sneak peak of what Andrea will cover:
Make it a priority to eat meals together as often as possible. This is a great time to model healthy eating behaviors. Limit distractions such as television, toys and phones, and avoid offering substitute meals.
Allow your children to decide how much they eat by listening to their internal hunger cues. They should not be forced to finish their plates even if food is leftover.
Find a balance between encouraging healthy eating choices and allowing occasional treats. Avoid using unhealthy foods as rewards or hiding these foods in the home because it makes them more desirable. Instead, focus on keeping healthy food options readily accessible and visible in the home.
This event is for moms with children of all ages. Register here!