Reflections from an alcoholic during the COVID-19 crisis The pandemic and social distancing measures it requires is challenging for everyone, but can be especially challenging for people in recovery and those who are battling substance addiction. This month we are feat[...]
Folx in Relationships* in a socially distant world Tips for navigating life at home during this difficult time By Mark Kaufman • JFCS Counselor *Folx in Relationships is a term intended to be more inclusive of the diversity of romantic relationships t[...]
COVID-19: Frequently Asked Questions Is JFCS open during the Governor’s Stay at Home order? Yes, while our building is closed for most activity, JFCS remains committed to our mission. We are providing the same professional services we always do[...]
From the Desk of CEO Judy Halper: April 2020 From the Desk of CEO Judy Halper Adjusting to the new normal during this time of crisis Today when we speak with someone over the phone, through email or text or with FaceTime – since there’s no “seeing” or talking to one another [...]
Mental health tips for this period of social distancing By Michel Rousseau • JFCS Counselor Social distancing does not imply emotional distancing: Staying connected and engaged with your family/friend/communities is important, now more than ever, and can be done [...]