National Caregiver Month: When people aren’t even aware they are caregivers

By Annette Sandler • JFCS Aging Services Director Do you help your mom grocery shop? Do you help balance your dad’s checkbook? Then you are a family caregiver.  A caregiver is an adult who provides unpaid care for the physical and emotional needs of a family member or friend who is [...]

From the Desk of CEO Judy Halper: July 2019

From the Desk of CEO Judy Halper The need for JFCS' caregiving coaching services continues to grow   Babysitting my 1-year old granddaughter this past weekend was unadulterated fun and pure joy! No messy face while feeding herself, changing “dirty” diapers, or being constantly on-the-go while chasing this budding walke[...]

Caregiving can be stressful, but help is available

By Annette Sandler • JFCS Aging Services Director   November is National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month/National Family Caregivers Month. Rosalynn Carter once said there are four kinds of people in the world: Those who are caregivers Those who will be caregivers Those[...]

Caregiver Coaching

By Annette Sandler • JFCS Aging Services Director   JFCS Senior Services Caregiver Coaches work directly with family members to guide them in making changes to improve life at home. This includes an in-home assessment, comprehensive report and care plan, caregiver education and behavior[...]

November is Alzheimer’s Awareness Month

November is National Alzheimer's Awareness Month, as well as National Caregiver Month. As a way to promote a better quality of life for people living with Alzheimer's disease and other related dementias, JFCS and the Twin Cities Jewish Alzheimer's Task Force hosted a Dementia Champion Training on No[...]