Food and the month of September seem to go hand-in-hand. As kids return to school and busy schedules, the amount of food they consume is evident in family budgets. Our tastes turn from cold and creamy deliciousne[...] From the Desk of CEO Judy Halper: September 2022
Posted 2 years ago
I’ve heard it said that of all of the senses humans possess, the one that stays with us long after the others do is our sense of hearing. Though this obviously does not hold true for those with profound deafnes[...] From the desk of CEO Judy Halper: September 2020
Posted 4 years ago
JFCS is the place to turn to during this difficult High Holidays season
Apples and honey, new “Temple” shoes and dresses, a million wishes shared with friends and family for a sweet and healthy New Yea[...] From the Desk of CEO Judy Halper: September 2019
Posted 6 years ago
High Holidays a time for introspection; and also a call for action
I was talking with a friend recently about the upcoming Jewish High Holiday season, our memories we cherish, and building new experienc[...]