From the Desk of CEO Judy Halper: October 2023

Judy Desk blog - laptop with plant and coffee cup What does the “J” in JFCS stand for? That is a question the Board and staff of Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis spends time reflecting on strategically and thoughtfully. After all, we are a staff of nearly 130 diverse people reflecting many religions, ethnicities, cultures,[...]

From the Desk of CEO Judy Halper: September 2023

Judy Desk blog - laptop with plant and coffee cup Food and the month of September seem to go hand-in-hand. As kids return to school and busy schedules, the amount of food they consume is evident in family budgets. Our tastes turn from cold and creamy deliciousness to hearty and savory comfort foods. Jewish holidays at this time of year – in addi[...]

From the Desk of CEO Judy Halper: August 2023

Judy Desk blog - laptop with plant and coffee cup Some people might think it premature to feel as though summer is ending when the calendar tells us it’s still August and fall doesn’t officially begin until Sep. 23. Yet, the kids are home from summer camp, school is resuming for most students in the next few weeks, and “everything on a stick[...]

From the Desk of CEO Judy Halper: July 2023

Judy Desk blog - laptop with plant and coffee cup I know what you’re thinking. How is it possible that we are already talking about, thinking about, and preparing for the return to school and the upcoming High Holy Days? It is true that summer passes much too quickly. But it isn’t just that seasons come and go too quickly (except winter) – t[...]

From the Desk of CEO Judy Halper: June 2023

Judy Desk blog - laptop with plant and coffee cup Managing and maintaining our mental health and the well-being of our families and friends has become an unavoidable topic – and that’s a good thing. There are so many ways we can take small steps to alleviate stress and anxiety, and as such, get more exercise, develop better eating habits, and[...]

From the Desk of CEO Judy Halper: May 2023

Judy Desk blog - laptop with plant and coffee cup May is such a special month, and not just because Hallmark tells us to appreciate our mothers….though that is a very special part of the month! May represents true springtime in Minnesota. It is also the month we celebrate graduates and graduations, and in many respects, it feels like a month of [...]

From the Desk of CEO Judy Halper: April 2023

Judy Desk blog - laptop with plant and coffee cup I’ve heard it mentioned that if you want to know how well a community functions, observe how it takes care of and addresses the needs of its aging population. Relatedly, many of us are familiar with the strong desire of older people to age well while aging independently. Author and physician Atul[...]

From the Desk of CEO Judy Halper: March 2023

Judy Desk blog - laptop with plant and coffee cup When daylight lengthens in Minnesota, our expectations increase. The extra sunlight has to mean the snow will melt, the air will warm, and our outer layers can be packed away until next year, right? Not really! No matter how many Minnesota winters we may experience, somehow disappointment never fai[...]