By Laine Bermansohn, MA, LPCC • Senior Services & Mental Health Support Services Program Manager
Yom HaShoah is the day on which people and nations around the world take a moment to remember the loss and[...] ‘As the time went on, we became friends’
Posted 6 years ago
JFCS senior outreach visitor volunteer Ester cherishes memories from her time with Elisabeth
After a 43-year career teaching high school, Ester decided she wanted to do “something useful” in retirem[...] Give2017: Klara’s story
Posted 8 years ago
By Angie Podvin • Donor Services & Annual Campaign Manager
At Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis, our mission is to provide essential services to people of all ages and backgroun[...] Alzheimer’s and Dementia Resources for Clergy
Posted 10 years ago
When people are caring for loved ones with memory loss, often the first person they reach out to are clergy members. They are looking for resources to help them provide care, want to talk about their guilt as car[...]